Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The witty patient!!

Lot of our daily practice in our clinics would involve seeing patients,making quick diagnoses and discussing various treatment options. We do sometimes joke with our patients to make it a more comfortable environment but most of our work though intellectually stimulating is not so much humorous. So just yesterday one patient of mine impressed me with her quick wittedness so I thought I just had to share it here:

A lady came into my clinic with red eyes and red angry lower eyelids. It wasn't fitting into any particular diagnosis other than allergic dermatitis.
So on repeated questioning she finally confessed that she arm twisted her dermatologist to prescribe her bimatoprost for getting long eyelashes.

Bimatoprost is an anti glaucoma drug whose side effect is long eyelashes. So drug companies and cosmetologists have started using this side effect as a cosmetic tool. But another side effect is it can cause allergic reaction which was the case here in this patient.

I explained to her that the eye drops  have caused her allergy.
Just then my boss walks in.
She says to him "Doctor we just discovered what caused my red eyes"

"What would that be?" My boss asked not knowing the whole history of this patient

She replied with a straight face


The puzzled look on my boss' face was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!!!

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